Thursday, October 7, 2010

International seminar marks national batik day

Depok, West Java - An international seminar and batik exhibition is held at the Cultural Faculty of the University of Indonesia (UI) campus in Depok from October 4 to 8, 2010, marking National Batik Day of October 2.

UI spokesman Juwono said Monday that the event will be opened by Industry Minister MS Hidayat on Tuesday.

The Indonesian Batik International Seminar will be addressed by Marketing Director General of the Culture and Tourism Ministry Dr. Sapta Nirwandar, Dr. Agus Aris Munandar (UI), Mrs Judi Tjahyadi, and Ibu Asmoro Damais of the Indonesian Clothing and Garment Documentation Center, and Indonesian batik expert Firman Ichsan.

The other speakers included Small and Medium Industry Director General Fauzi Azis, Andang Fatalinadya of the Industry Ministry, and executive chairman of the Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO Prof. Dr. Arief Rachman.

The National Baik Day will also be enlivened by an "Eco Batik" display, October5-8, and an UI Batik Design Competition on October 4.

The program was made possible under a cooperation with the Archeological Department of UI, along with Kadin foundation, Batik Foundation, Industry Ministrty, Culture and Tourism Ministry, Trade Ministry, and the National Education Ministry.(*)
