Monday, August 30, 2010

Fewer Tourists Visit Monas during Fasting Month

Jakarta - The number of tourists visiting the National Monument (Monas) in the heart of Jakarta City has declined since the start of the Ramadhan fasting month, a spokesperson for the landmark’s management said. But albeit in smaller numbers, , Monas was still attracting visitors, especially on Sundays, a Monas public relations officer, Yulianti Dwi Ratnani, said here on Monday.

She said the number of visitors on the first day of Ramadhan stood at 1,769 while on Sundays it could reach 2,400. But on Independence Day (Aug 17) Monas was closed because it lay in an area close to the presidential palace that had to be sterilized for security reasons. Foreigners are more interested in visiting the monument which was built by former President Soekarno in remembrance of Indonesia’s struggle for independence.

Some tourists from France and Hong Kong said they were curious about the history of Indonesian independence and therefore they had to visit the monument in order to know the history from the pictures and manuscripts displayed inside the monument.

"By visiting the monument, I get a deeper understanding of the history of Indonesia’s struggle which so far I only knew from my history teacher at school," said Lia (36), a visitor who came to Monas on Monday.

Monas consists of four sections two of which contain objects depicting or related to Indonesia’s independece struggle, namely the History Museum and the Independence Hall. The two other others, are the Lookout Platform and the Independence Flame.

The Lookout Platform is one of the sections most favored by tourists because it allows them to enjoy the beautiful landscape of Jakarta city from an elevation of 115 meters from the ground.
